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Research & Development

Innovation is Nestlé's hallmark. We're committed to developing innovative products and services that provide nutrition and health for people and pets everywhere, across all their life stages, in a way that's good for our planet.
two specialists working in the laboratory

With over 30 research, development and technology facilities worldwide, Nestlé has the largest R&D network of any food company. Nestlé’s research, development and technology network, together with local market application groups, employs over 5,000 people.

Nestlé further strengthens its R&D capability through Innovation Partnerships at each stage of the product development process – from early stage collaborations with start up and biotech companies to late stage partnerships with its key suppliers.

By bringing together all of its global R&D resources, Nestlé is able to provide high quality, safe food solutions for consumers worldwide – whether this is in terms of nutrition, health, wellness, taste, texture or convenience. Above all, Nestlé brings to consumers products that are of the highest quality. And safety is non-negotiable.

R&D is also critical in ensuring regulatory compliance of all Nestlé products. Nestlé is able to launch new products quickly and efficiently, in countries all over the world, by integrating regulatory affairs in all its R&D activities, from start to finish.

Nestlé scientists also play their part in communicating the health and wellness benefits of products to consumers. Nestlé nutritionists world-wide work to ensure that all nutrition communication, both on and off pack, is locally relevant, as well as scientifically sound.

Beyond sound nutrition, the future of foods will increasingly be driven by science. Nestlé scientists are looking ahead to the foods of the future. Nestlé R&D is translating nutrition and food science in two ways:

  • From consumer needs into research priorities.
  • From emerging science into consumer benefits, and services.

The vision of Nestlé R&D is long term. A glimpse of how Nestlé R&D is helping to shape the future of foods is provided through these internet pages. For more information on global R&D, please visit the R&D Newsroom.