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Come on a journey through Nestle's company history. We'll begin in 1867 and finish in the present day.

Along the way, we'll see why Henri Nestle created infant cereal, how the company weathered downturns and two world wars. We'll follow the acquisitions and the move into chocolate, pharmaceuticals and petcare. Before arriving here today, at the world's largest food and beverage company. Ready?

Explore our story below. 

1867-1930 The World's First infant food
1935 – 1952 NESQUIK, launches in Canada
1966 - 1988 Ice Cream Factory Opens
1991-1997 Nestlé acquires The DRUMSTICK Company
2001-2012 NESTLÉ PURINA PetCare is born
2019-Present Creating a Better Tomorrow, Today
The World's First infant food
In 1867 pharmacist Henri Nestlé develops the world's first infant food in Vevey, Switzerland. Called Farine Lactée Nestlé, it saves the life of his neighbour's premature baby who could not tolerate breast milk.

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1867-1930 Close Period Highlights
NESQUIK, launches in Canada
1935 – 1952
By 1952, NESQUIK, launches in Canada becoming an iconic family favourite.


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1935 – 1952 Close Period Highlights
Ice Cream Factory Opens
1966 - 1988
In 1966, Nestlé opens its first Ice Cream Factory in London, Ontario.

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1966 - 1988 Close Period Highlights
Nestlé acquires The DRUMSTICK Company
In 1991, Nestlé acquires The DRUMSTICK Company, makers of the original DRUMSTICK ice cream cone since 1928.

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1991-1997 Close Period Highlights
NESTLÉ PURINA PetCare is born
In 2001, Nestlé acquires Ralston PURINA and the pet care business becomes NESTLÉ PURINA PetCare.

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2001-2012 Close Period Highlights
Creating a Better Tomorrow, Today
Nestlé continues to use its global scale, resources, and expertise to contribute to a healthier and sustainable future for people and the planet.

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2019-Present Close Period Highlights