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Serving Sizes

Serving Size Changes & How to Understand Them

Food labels hold important information that enables us to make healthier choices. Unfortunately, food labels can be difficult to interpret, particularly if two similar products have different serving sizes. As a result, Health Canada has modernized the Nutrition Facts Table (NFT) and List of Ingredient regulations to empower Canadians to make more informed choices. These new changes reflect the latest science, in addition to feedback from Canadians and other relevant stakeholders.

At Nestlé, our purpose is to enhance quality of life and contribute to a healthier future. We understand how challenging it can be to keep up-to-date with changes happening in our food environment. Shopping for the food you love shouldn’t be stressful, which is why we want to help you!

Check out the answers to some frequently asked questions below for information on how food labels are changing in Canada:

  1. How are serving sizes changing, and what does this mean for me?

You will notice that the serving sizes on some of your favorite Nestlé products have changed. The serving size is listed right above the calorie information on the NFT. The new serving sizes will reflect the average amount of food/beverage people typically eat/drink at one time and will be the same for similar types of products. However, it is important to understand that the serving size is not necessarily the suggested amount that a person should eat/drink in one sitting. While it is a reference point, each person’s nutritional needs will differ.

  1. Why is this change happening?

The goal of this change is to help make it simpler for you to decide which products are best for you and your family! These new regulations reflect how much the average person eats or drinks and will make it easier to determine the energy and nutrients in the food or beverages you are having. For single serve products, like a chocolate bar, the information on the NFT will reflect the entire bar. But for multi-serve foods, like pizza and tubs of ice cream, the information will now be standardized for similar products.

  1. Does this mean that my favorite products have changed?

Don’t worry, your favorite Nestlé products have not changed! It is only the serving size on the NFT that will be different. Häagen-Dazs still makes delicious ice cream, and Delissio will still have irresistible toppings!

  1. Does this mean I should eat more?

No, remember that the amount on the label is not a reflection of how much you should be eating at one time. The new serving sizes show the amount of the product that people generally consume - how much you eat or drink is up to you to decide based on a variety of factors such as age, activity level and any pre-existing dietary restrictions or medical conditions. Use the NFT as a tool to help you decide the portion that is best for you and your family.