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Celebrating World Breastfeeding Week in Canada

World Breastfeeding Week 2017

World Breastfeeding Week is an annual celebration of the role of breastfeeding in our homes, our communities, and around the world. In Canada, we celebrate World Breastfeeding Week from October 1 – 7 to encourage breastfeeding and improve the health of babies. Each year a theme is chosen by the World Alliance for Breastfeeding Action (WABA) and this year’s theme is Sustaining Breastfeeding Together. It speaks to the fact that mothers need the support of everyone around them to sustain breastfeeding. It also means that we need to continue to improve access to information on the benefits of breastfeeding and breastfeeding practices, inform mothers about infant nutrition guidelines and produce formulas for mothers who cannot or choose not to breastfeed.
The annual celebration commemorates the Innocenti Declaration signed in August 1990 by government policymakers, World Health Organization (WHO), UNICEF and other organizations to protect, promote and support breastfeeding.
At Nestlé Canada, we care about babies and want what’s best for them; we strongly believe that breast milk is best. That’s why we support the World Health Organization (WHO) and Health Canada’s recommendation of exclusive breastfeeding for the first six months, and sustained for up to two years or longer with appropriate complementary feeding.
As World Breastfeeding Week launches in Canada, we have developed infographics which highlight the benefits of breastfeeding for baby and mom, key facts on breastfeeding in Canada, as well as helpful resources for moms. 

In addition, we recently launched Nestlé Start Well Stay Well (SWSW) (, formerly, which delivers expert advice and nutritional learning for parents on the importance of breastfeeding, infant and child growth and development on an easy-to-navigate mobile-first website. SWSW members have access to the First 1,000 Days Nutrition Program. This unique, personalized e-learning program is built on the latest science from infant nutrition experts and delivered in a simple and interactive digital environment.

As part of the First 1,000 Days Nutrition Program, we have developed educational videos to help moms better understand the benefits of breastfeeding and get some relevant breastfeeding tips including details on how to breastfeed, increase breast milk production or pump and store breast milk . Check out these informative videos: Breast Milk is the Best Start for Babies, The 10 Benefits of Breastfeeding, and How to Increase Breast Milk Production.

While we celebrate World Breastfeeding Week in October, we are continuously developing resources available for moms. For more information and to browse all our resources, visit