Thanks to the passion, effort and commitment of our employees, Nestlé Cares – our first ever Nestlé Canada Volunteer Week was an overwhelming success! It’s truly amazing what we can accomplish when we come together.
Throughout the week of June 11 to June 15, over 1,000 employees from across Canada gave back to their communities, their neighbourhoods and the planet, and volunteered for over 3,000 hours.
We’re proud to share a few of the inspiring examples of what our employees accomplished together – by the numbers!
Nestlé Canada
- 250+ employees from across our offices and factories volunteered at various food banks across Canada – sorting over 22,000 lbs of food and helping over 1,500 families in need
- 150+ employees from across Canada co-ordinated their own volunteer initiatives: from providing support to the Canucks Autism Network, nutrition counselling to isolated elderly at the Society of Sharing, Pro Bono legal support to the disadvantaged and volunteering with Cardiac Kids
Nestlé Canada Factories: Nestlé Waters Canada, Nestlé Canada Confectionery, Nestlé Canada Ice Cream Factory
600 hygiene kits were assembled in our London Ice Cream Factory, Sterling Road Confectionery Factory and Nestlé Waters Canada Factory and Distribution Centre. They put together kits made up of recycled products and distributed them to local shelters and food banks
- 80+ employees from Sterling Road and Nestlé Waters Canada (NWC) hit the streets and cleaned up their neighbourhoods – picking up over 70 bags of litter combined.
Nestlé Skin Health
- 300+ employees participated in the Galderma Walk for Camp Liberté, supporting camp programs for children with moderate to severe skin conditions and donated over $16,000
Purina PetCare Canada
- 150+ Purina PetCare Canada employees volunteered their time at local organizations including the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (SPCA) and shelter locations to support the pet community with cleaning, facility maintenance and pet enrichment activities
Nespresso Canada
- 30 Nespresso Canada employees volunteered at the Grand Défi Pierre Lavoie event, starting in La Baie, Quebec, all the way to Montreal. Some employees supported the 1,000 km cycling event by offering coffee day and night to participants, and others participated to La Boucle, a 135 km cycling ride to encourage young people to adopt healthy lifestyle habits.