March is National Nutrition Month. This year, the Dietitians of Canada Nutrition Month campaign is dedicated to “Simply Cook and Enjoy”.
Throughout March we’ll be sharing healthy cooking tips from the Dietitians of Canada, to help inspire and empower Canadians to discover ways to cook and eat healthy.
Download the free eaTipster and Cookspiration apps on your iPhone or iPad for more nutrition tips and recipe ideas that suit your mood and schedule!
Tip 1: Simplify weekday cooking. Prepare some ingredients in advance.
Try these time-saving ideas:
- Peel, wash and chop fruits and/or veggies on the weekend, or buy a bag of pre-washed salad
- Marinate meat and freeze in small portions to defrost quickly
- Cook a big pot of whole-grain pasta, barley or quinoa so it is ready to reheat when you need it
- In a hurry? Take a kitchen shortcut with healthier pre-prepared foods, such as Lean Cuisine Fresh Inspirations and Selections, which offer tasty and balanced meals that are easy to prepare and enjoy