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De-stress this holiday season

woman drinking coffee

It’s easy to become overwhelmed at this busy time of year. Regular mealtimes get squeezed, busy schedules can put a glitch into your exercise routine and bedtime hours get later.

Here are a few simple suggestions to help keep you energized this month, while still keeping the magic in the holiday season!

Jot it down

Lists help, especially at this time of year. Prioritize tasks by putting ‘must-dos’ at the top of the list and ‘nice-to-do’ at the bottom. Crossing off accomplished tasks is energizing.

Eat nutritiously

Stay energized with nutritious meals and snacks at home or at work combining two to four food groups from Canada’s Food Guide. When you’re pressed for time, keeping a stack of your favourite Lean Cuisine meals on hand offers a deliciously quick meal option. Nestlé Carnation Breakfast Essentials is a great breakfast or anytime snack that provides nutrients you need to feel your best throughout the day.

Take charge

The holiday season is meant to be about memorable moments with family and friends. The perfect gift, best party or most beautiful house won’t make or break the holidays. Don’t let perfection get the better of you; your friends won’t remember the details and you’ll be too tired to enjoy the moment.

Relax with tunes

Create a special playlist or keep your favourite CDs on hand at home or in the car. Mellow or mood-lifting tunes will help with frazzled nerves. Sing along if you can – you’ll feel better instantly.

Keep it simple

It’s the simple things that we remember: freshly cut cedar that garnishes the fireplace mantle; a catch-up phone call from an old friend; a walk in the snow with a friendly neighbour; or a cup of Nescafé or Carnation Hot Chocolate and a ‘guilt-free’ moment to linger over the weekend paper.