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A new role for business: Nestlé’s Creating Shared Value Forum

Paul Bulcke

Paul Bulcke

Nestlé, in collaboration with the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD), will host its sixth Creating Shared Value Forum, in Switzerland, on October 9.

The forum will provide a space for debate and discussion for members of academia, industry, international institutions and civil society from around the world on the changing role of business in society.

Nestlé believes that for a company to be successful over the long term and create value for shareholders, it must create value for society.

Participants will discuss how civil society and the private sector can work in partnership to strengthen and speed up sustainable development, focusing on the key areas of nutrition, water and rural development.

Nestlé Chairman Peter Brabeck, the company’s CEO, Paul Bulcke and UNCTAD’s Secretary-General Mukhisa Kituyi will be joined by Arancha Gonzalez, the Executive Director of the International Trade Centre; Mark R. Kramer of the Harvard Kennedy School of Government; Ruth Oniango, Professor of Nutrition at Kenya’s Great Lakes University as well as the Secretary General of the International Federation of the Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies, As Sy.

Nestlé will announce the winner of its Creating Shared Value Prize, awarded to innovative businesses and not-for-profits that create value for the communities they operate within by addressing issues of nutrition, water or rural development.

Read more about the Nestlé Prize in Creating Shared Value and Nestlé’s concept of Creating Shared Value.