Our Corporate Business Principles
The Nestlé Corporate Business Principles shapes the way we do business and forms the basis of our culture and values. The foundations for our commitments and our Creating Shared Value strategy are divided into six areas – consumers, our people, value chain, business integrity, transparent interaction & communication and compliance.
Why are they important?
We believe that it’s essential to have clear principles and values that are built upon respect for our consumers, our people, suppliers, customers and the environment, and a strong compliance culture that is fully embedded in our business. Demonstrating our adherence builds trust among our stakeholders, ensuring they have confidence in the Nestlé brand and what it stands for, both now and in the future.
How are they applied?
All our employees are required to comply with Nestlé’s Corporate Business Principles and we continuously monitor their application and effectiveness. Our principles are implemented through relevant business codes, policies, processes and tools, which have been developed to ensure the principles are practised every single day, across the company. We set high standards, always following the Nestlé Corporate Business Principles wherever we operate – even if local laws are more lenient or non-existent.
The Nestlé Corporate Business Principles
The diagram below gives an overview of the six key focus areas for Nestlé Corporate Business Principles and what we want to achieve through them.
Consumers | Nutrition, Health and Wellness | We strive to improve the overall healthiness and affordability of our portfolio of products. We are committed to providing transparent nutrition information and to encouraging healthy lifestyles. |
Quality Assurance and Product Safety | We want to ensure that, everywhere in the world, the Nestlé name represents the highest levels of product safety and quality. | |
Consumer Communication | We are committed to responsible, reliable consumer communication that empowers consumers to make informed choices and promotes healthier diets. | |
Our People | Human Rights | We respect and promote human rights in our operations and entire value chain, in line with the United Nations Guiding Principles and the Ten Principles of the UN Global Compact. |
Diversity and Inclusion | Diversity and inclusion is an integral part of Nestlé’s culture. We promote the inclusion of all communities, cultures and ages into our workforce and seek to leverage the diversity of thinking to drive creativity and innovation. | |
Safety and Health at Work | We are committed to preventing work-related accidents, injuries and illnesses, and to protecting employees, contractors and others involved along the value chain. | |
Value Chain | Responsible Sourcing | We are committed to implementing sustainable agricultural practices that contribute to long-term production resilience, delivering sustainable livelihoods, reduction of carbon gas emissions, protection of biodiversity and the conservation and replenishment of natural resources. |
Customer and Business Partners | We require our suppliers, agents, subcontractors and their employees to demonstrate honesty, integrity and fairness, and to adhere to our non-negotiable standards. | |
Environmental Sustainability | We commit ourselves to environmentally sustainable business practices throughout our value chain | |
Business Integrity | Ethics and Integrity | The Nestlé Code of Business Conduct specifies certain non-negotiable minimum standards in key areas of employee behavior, including integrity, compliance with laws, conflicts of interests, antitrust and fair dealing, bribery, corruption (UNGC Principle 10), discrimination and harassment, and accurate reporting and accounting. |
Privacy and Ethical Data Management | We avoid using data and technology in ways that are unethical or could lead to discrimination, exploitation or cause harm. | |
Transparent Interaction and Communication | Internal Interaction and Communication | We promote an inspiring, innovative, transparent and open work environment, where each employee is respected, has the liberty to engage, create and contribute, always with the ability to speak up. |
Engagement and Advocacy | Nestlé understands and believes that it is essential to carry out responsible stakeholder engagement and advocacy to bring in relevant external views on matters related to its business activities and operations in ways that foster collaboration, knowledge sharing, open discussion, and deep dialogue. | |
Compliance | Compliance | We continuously improve communications, processes and training in order to ensure adherence to the Nestlé Corporate Business Principles and to correct gaps whenever necessary with zero tolerance for instances of non-compliance |